Christmas Spirit

The Olive Tree is a delightful alternative to the Christmas tree, signifying peace, hope and friendship. We at the Palais Amani have an annual tradition of making our own Christmas Olive Tree. In the Koran, the olive tree is “the blessed tree” and Muslims make prayer beads out of wood from olive trees for centuries.

Early societies, consider trees to be sacred and many rituals take place under trees. The first cultivation of olive trees, began six to seven thousand years ago in the regions of the Middle East. The wild olive tree was domesticated and the oil was produced for the first time.

The Olive tree, a symbol of Hope

With its iridescent, silvery leaves and gnarled trunk, the evergreen olive tree is a symbol of hope, and resistance. It sinks its roots firmly into the stony ground, and takes many years to become a plant that bears fruit. The Olive Tree refers to as ‘the tree of eternity’ due its ability to thrive in all conditions. The average age of the Olive Tree is 800 years old.

You can keep your Christmas olive tree indoors. After the festivities, grow it in the garden for a truly eco friendly Christmas tree.

Although Christmas is not a holiday in Morocco, many of the hotels and restaurants host this special event. Generally, Moroccans celebrate Christmas with a meal on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning is the time for celebration in most riads and guesthouses.

Liz Hoggard