Palais Amani is delighted to announce that we have received Trusted Travel Partner qualifications and approval by the international non-profit organization TourSafe Africa:. Their aim is to ensure that their partners have pledged to follow international health and safety experts’ protocols and guidelines for safe travel,l during the Covid-19 coronavirus, and beyond. We are proud to be part of their community.


Because the health of our customers and employees is particularly important to us, we have implemented preventive measures according to the recommendations of the health services. Beyond all the measures recommended by the authorities, details of which you will find below, we have taken a radical decision which consists in separating production for our restaurant by outsourcing it as well as our laundry service.

We therefore undertook an enormous work of reflection which resulted in the following decisions:

1 – The establishment of a hygiene referent for:

Check several times a day that the best practice guide is being followed
Train all employees in the procedures that are put in place
Organize regular meetings with the teams to ensure the adequacy of the measures taken with the material and human resources available
Ensure the permanent supply of consumables such as: Hydroalcoholic gel, masks, wipes

2 – The hygiene referent is responsible for:

Set up procedures and protocols for personnel hygiene
Put up all mandatory signs in common areas
Track all the procedures in place in a binder and update them as needed
Keep the procedures / protocols binder available to authorities and clients if necessary
Ensure the traceability of all training, information sent to employees on an Excel table with date, time, last name and signature of employees

3 – New rules put in place with employees:

Do not hug, kiss or shake hands
Adjust the working hours of employees to avoid them arriving at the same time
Avoid crossings as much as possible
Plan staff breaks in staggered times to limit the number of employees and stagger meal times to avoid regrouping
Ensure that employees always have available hand disinfection stations, masks, ready-to-use disinfectant wipes or spray as well as handkerchiefs
Disinfect hands before handling and at least every 30 minutes. Clean hands after handling objects that may have been contaminated (pens, bank card, tickets, etc.)
Trays, TPE, telephone, tablets, keyboards and pens are disinfected after each use
For reception, a person dedicated to the position for a given period. She’s the only one who has to use the computer, pick up the phone, and use whatever is on that workstation. Materialize the intervention area. The disinfection of the workstation must be carried out at each staff turnover
Use your own kit with your own equipment (pen …)
The daily temperature measurement of employees will be provided with the agreement of the employees. The temperature measurement agreements will be signed and recorded in the protocol monitoring binder

4 – Rules for cleaning and disinfection of common areas:

Strengthen the disinfection of surfaces and points of contact and elevators. Special attention will be paid to handles, tables, faucets, elevator call buttons, telephones, POS, computers, staircase handrails, fire extinguishers, hallway switches.

-> Bar, Kitchen and Restaurant

Reduce the movements of chefs and kitchen staff by separating production and service
The decision to create a delocalized laboratory was recorded and implemented.

In this unit, all the preparations necessary for the chefs will be carried out upstream and will avoid the overcrowding of kitchen staff.

Disposable gloves will always be used by kitchen staff
Liquid soap dispensers are installed in all strategic points and the hands will be dried using disposable towels
In the restaurant, the service staff will use disposable gloves for setting up as well as for serving.

The wearing of masks by staff will be compulsory
In terms of social distancing at our restaurant, we are fortunate to have our huge garden where our customers eat their meals 9 to 10 months a year
For the rest of the time, we will use two spaces for our services, namely the current restaurant and the space dedicated to the bar to respect a space of 1.5 meters between the tables
We never serve our meals, whatever they are in the form of a buffet
Reinforce the disinfection of surfaces and contact points
-> Elevators

The use of elevators is regulated (not accessible to staff) and cleaning will be done every 3 hours.

-> Common sanitary facilities

The operation of dispensers for soap, disinfectant gel, disposable towels, etc. will be checked very regularly
The proper functioning and cleaning of toilets and taps in the shared toilets will also be monitored several times a day
A monitoring table of these actions will be displayed
-> The SPA

We approached our supplier to find out the cleaning recommendations to be done (chemical product, etc.)
Access to the spa is limited by a time slot
Allow 1 person per time slot
Single-use wipes available to the customer
Disinfect the hammams between each client
5 – Rules for cleaning and disinfection of rooms:

For housekeepers, leave the rooms to rest for at least 3 hours before their intervention
The ventilation of the rooms will be done during the day and at least for 3 hours
Implementation of an exceptional cleaning plan
We will not hesitate to increase the cleaning time per room
Prepare the chambermaid trolleys ensuring that nothing is missing on the trolley to prevent the maid from coming back down to look for materials
Avoid working in pairs
Plan a staggered working time and break to limit the number of employees in the same room and avoid regrouping
Prevent employees from entering the rooms during the customer’s stay and until their departure
Provide in the cloakroom pedal bins for waste, wipes and hydroalcoholic gel
The cloakroom will be cleaned on each arrival and departure of employees
There must not be any cross between clean and dirty laundry
6 – Barrier gestures towards customers:

In each living space, the poster produced by the health authorities on barrier gestures will be displayed: entrance, hall, bar, restaurant, toilets, bedrooms, staff rooms, etc …
The instructions will be reminded to the customer on his arrival and he will be explained the routes to take
Hydroalcoholic gel will be made available to all customers upon arrival at the establishment. This gel will be placed in as many places as necessary: ​​at reception, in the restaurant, at the entrance to the stairs and near the elevators
As soon as they arrive, invite customers to wash their hands with hydroalcoholic gel or soap at the common sanitary facilities
Set departure times to be respected in order to stagger the presence of customers in the reception room
Notify the customer that the invoice will be sent to him by email after his stay
-> Check-in / Check-out waiting area:

Materialize the path of customers on the ground to avoid crossings
Installation of safety distance markers from 1m to 1.50m
Respect of a distance of 1.50m between the desk and the customer to be materialized on the ground
Installation of a plexiglass to avoid postilions
-> Arrival / Departure of the Client:

Inform the customer on arrival and reassure him
Give the recommendation flyer to customers during their stay at the hotel
Do not hug, kiss or shake hands
Put the disinfected keys of the rooms in a plastic bag (to be changed for each customer)
Set up a bin to receive room keys on departure
-> Payment management

Remote debit authorization procedure, and strongly recommend payment by credit card
7 – Restoration barrier actions:

Until the opening of bars and restaurants is effective:

-> Bar:

The customer must consume the products from the bar in their room
-> Room service:

Collect requests for breakfast using the “PDJ order form”
Wash your hands with soap and water and put on your protective elements
Prepare the tray (previously disinfected) using individual products as much as possible
Unpackaged products will be wrapped or sealed
Place the tray in front of the room to the customer at the given time
We will not enter the customer’s room, just knock or call the customer to let them know they are ready
When the restaurant room can be reopened:

Respect the recommended social distancing
Serve the customer, taking care to put on gloves and a mask
Throw the gloves between the service of two different customers
Clear the breakfast immediately after the client leaves
Then disinfect the table, chairs, etc.
8 – Management of suspected and proven cases

The referent must ensure the health of employees and suspend the activity of any person presenting a risk or signs of contamination
In the event of contamination or suspicion of contamination of an employee, a precise protocol will be carefully followed, it consists of an immediate medical examination and a device will be triggered, making it possible to identify all people who have been in contact with the person concerned
We have a list of health professionals around the hotel and this information can be found in the booklet available at reception
Implementation of a special laundry treatment procedure if a sick person is detected
A procedure for decontamination of premises and surfaces using bleach or any other usual product (this decontamination must be carried out by personnel equipped with personal protection, trained in this technique)
9 – Rules put in place with suppliers:

Send to all the suppliers with whom we work the new security protocol with the specific measures related to the coronavirus
Establishment of a specific unloading area. No employee of the company should be near the delivery person during delivery
Hydroalcoholic gel will be made available near the area

We thank you for your trust, do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to obtain more information on our hygiene measures at the Amani Palace.