
Yennayer: The Amazigh New Year 

The month of The Amazigh New Year also known as « Yennayer » holds great significance in the Moroccan culture. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and renewal for the berber people. As one of the oldest cultures in North Africa, the Amazighs have a rich heritage that is deeply rooted in their language, traditions, and customs. During this month, communities come together to [...]

2024-08-28T15:34:02+00:0014 January 2024|

The Christmas Olive tree: Symbol of peace and light

Christmas Spirit The Olive Tree is a delightful alternative to the Christmas tree, signifying peace, hope and friendship. We at the Palais Amani have an annual tradition of making our own Christmas Olive Tree. In the Koran, the olive tree is “the blessed tree” and Muslims make prayer beads out of wood from olive trees for centuries. Early societies, consider trees to be sacred and [...]

2024-08-30T10:07:47+00:0018 December 2023|

The art of Mosaic – an ancestral tradition

One of the most striking features of Moroccan architecture is the Zellij, the creation of an intricate mosaic design using hand-cut, glazed tiles. Skilled artisans assemble the jigsaw-like tiles to form geometrical patterns of great complexity. Each piece in the mosaic has a different name, describing either its shape or its function: these include squares, triangles, stars, diamonds, polygons, crosses, knots, forks and candles. Colours [...]

2024-08-30T10:08:05+00:0014 November 2023|

The green march – A Day Engraved In Morocco’s History

This month sees the 48th anniversary of The Green March, a historical event engraved deep in the Moroccan soul – and a unique chapter in the country’s ongoing quest for the full recovery of its southern provinces, originally part of Morocco’s pre-colonial territory. It commemorates a mass demonstration in November 1975, coordinated by the Moroccan government and army. To force Spain to hand over the [...]

2024-08-30T10:08:48+00:006 November 2023|

News and Views from the Palais: Ba mohammed

Ba Mohammed embarks on a whole new adventure.         The Palais Amani Effect:   Summer in Fez: that dry baking heat, intense and luminous that revs up day after day and seems here to stay, permanent, unstoppable. And then one day the heat breaks, the morning starts with freshness in the air, and we know that autumn and a new high season have [...]

2024-08-30T10:09:14+00:0020 October 2023|

Morocco earthquake: pain & solidarity in the Atlas Mountains

Our hearts go out to friends, family and colleagues affected by the earthquake that centred on the High Atlas mountains and the villages of southwest Morocco. Morocco declared three days of national mourning, during which the national flag was flown at half mast.The king, Mohammed VI,  authorised the country’s armed forces to intervene and oversee aid efforts, with rescue teams deployed to provide affected areas with [...]

2024-08-30T10:11:50+00:0027 September 2023|

Eid al adha celebration in morocco “The holy feast of sacrifice”

This year June is the month for the four-day long Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha (or the Feast of Sacrifice). The tradition for Eid al-Adha involves slaughtering a sheep and sharing the meat in three equal parts – for family, for relatives and friends, and for the poor of the community. It honours the story of the prophet Ibrahim (known in the Christian Old Testament as [...]

2023-06-15T12:52:00+00:0015 June 2023|

Meet Hope, Our Yogi in Residence from New York, USA

“What first made you connect to yoga?” Asks Loubna, The Experience Coordinator at the Palais Amani “ I was in China, going rock climbing with some friends of mine, and there I met an Indian gentleman who offered to give me two free Yoga Classes if I buy one. This was back in 2003 and I was just instantly connected. Says Hope The Yogi in Residence [...]

2023-05-25T15:20:00+00:0025 May 2023|


Spring picnics are back, and now is the perfect time to book in for a hiking experience along the Zalagh Hillside. You can take a break from the heat of the city with a qualified private guide and chauffeur who will pick you up from Palais Amani and drive you into the heart of the Berber countryside.  In Berber, Zalagh means male kid goat, and a hike [...]

2023-04-27T15:20:00+00:0027 April 2023|

Aîd celebrations as end of Ramadan

Eid al-Fitr or the Festival of Sweets is the three-day closing celebration that marks the end of Ramadan (the Islamic holy month which involves fasting  during daylight hours).  It is a joyous religious holiday which traditionally begins at sunset. After Eid prayers, performed by the congregation in a field or one of the mosques in the medina, people put on their best clothes and visit relatives [...]

2023-04-04T03:58:03+00:004 April 2023|
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